Add Your Name To The Bay Cruising Crew List
Bay Sailing Crew List
This list is for Bay Cruising. Experience is less important than for racing and it's a good way to get your feet wet, so to speak. When a skipper contacts you to go sailing, it's a good idea to ask him about his experience. You don't want to go out as a novice with a novice skipper. The Bay can be tricky place to sail. Skippers appreciate it if you volunteer to bring food or drink along for the sail. The listing expires after 90 days, if not renewed.
Fields with * are required.

* Select your region.

*First Name

*Last Name

*E-Mail (will not appear on web site)

Check to receive our newsletter
*Experience Level
Phone (Optional)
City (Optional)
Cell Phone (Optional)
Cell Carrier(Optional)
Only if you want text messages
Username and Password are used to for you to be able to delete
renew, or modify your posting at any time. So please remember them.
*Username (Must match e-mail address)
FOR CREW Select the type of sailing you prefer.
URL to your web site (Optional)
* Describe your experience to help a skipper/crew determine if you would be suitable for his/her needs. Only Text allowed no HTML or Images.